People over profit.
What Is a “Community Land Trust?”
A community land trust (CLT) is a non-profit, community-governed organization that owns and administers property for the benefit of the community where it’s located. That property can include only land, or both land and buildings.
Why CLTs? Our society’s focus on economic growth, expansion and development tend to drive up land costs and minimize actions aimed at preserving the natural environment and reducing the effects of climate change. The goal of a community land trust, on the other hand, is to remove property from the real estate market and perpetually hold it for community uses like affordable housing, community gardens, commercial spaces and environmental preservation. Property can be put into a land trust by being purchased or donated for that purpose.
In short, a CLT is rooted in community ownership, true affordability, democratic
participation and sustainability. It provides a way to protect community spaces and housing, and to meet community needs, outside of the influence of market forces.
The new Community Centre of the North Hastings Community Trust is part of a community land trust (CLT). This means the use of the property on Valley View Drive will be perpetually governed by an elected board representing the long-term interests of the community.
(Conceptual drawing)
For more information on
Community Land Trusts: